Where to buy our kitchens
Network of authorized delegations and distributors
MODUL-CUIN S.A. It sells its products only through its network of authorized branches and distributors , not in any case serving end customers.

Distributor | Location | Province | Phone | Web | |
BODELEC | BARCELONA | BARCELONA | 934 524 181 | bodelec@bodelec.es | www.bodelec.es |
BODELEC COCINAS | MADRID | MADRID | bcentro@bodelec.es | www.bodelec.es | |
BUCATI CUINES | VILANOVA I LA GELTRU | BARCELONA | 938 937 870 | bucati@bucaticuines.com | www.bucati.es |
CUINA FORTA SARDA,S.L. | TARRASSA | BARCELONA | 937 801 559 | cuinaforta@hotmail.com | - |
VILANOVA SARDA, S.L | IGUALADA | BARCELONA | 938 046 959 | cuinaestudi@vilanovasarda.cat | - |
DISSART CUINES | LABISBAL D,EMPORDA | GERONA | 972 644 011 | info@dissartcuines.com | www.dissartcuines.com |
CUINES BANYOLES | BANYOLES | GERONA | 972 580 777 | cuinesbanyoles@gmail.com | www.cuinesbanyoles.cat |
KRISS MOBILIARIO DE COCINAS | PALMA | MALLORCA | 971 759 433 | info@kocikris.com | www.kocikris.com |
ANTONIO AGUERA E HIJOS | MÁLAGA | MÁLAGA | 952 322 232 | info@carpinteriaagueraehijos.com | www.carpinteriaagueraehijos.com |
VITO 2004 S.L. | MÁLAGA | - | - | - | - |
SAUMELL | BARCELONA | BARCELONA | 933 255 070 | saumell@saumellceramiques.com | www.saumellceramiques.com |
CUINES I BANYS INTEGRAL, SCP | VILAFRANCA DEL PENEDES | BARCELONA | 938 171 609 | cuines.banys@gmail.com | - |
Do you want to be a distributor of MODULCUIN kitchens?
If you wish to join the network of authorized distributors of MODULCUIN S.A. Complete and submit the following form. We will contact you shortly. To treat the conditions of your entry into our commercial network